These bags are standard equipment for my Hoover Platinum upright vacuum cleaner. They are more expensive than the bags I used to buy for my Eureka boss or the bags for my Panasonic canister. Keep in mind, however that these bags are HEPA media, trapping dust and pollens down to .3 microns. With such an effective bag in the vacuum, there's no need to have a separate and expensive HEPA filter too. I have a personal preference for bagged vacuums and like the idea of trapping and keeping all the carpet gunk in a contained medium.

The bags look and feel of high quality and are heavier and thicker than other vacuum bags I have used. They feel soft and almost clothlike. I like that the bags are easy to install and go on tightly so that there are no bursts of dust thrown back into the air.

These Q-HEPA bags are very large and I've read anecdotes of them lasting up to six months. I dont think they'll last that long for me; I vacuum the house every day because lots of dirt is tracked in the house by two dogs and myself.

The owner's guide for the vacuum advises not using any scented powder or powdered cleaner on the carpets because the dust may clog the bags. This could be a problem for those who use Capture carpet cleaner as I do. Also if one gets fleas in the carpet, it's best to vacuum often and change the bag frequently, an expensive proposition with these bags.

To keep the bag smelling fresh I like to add a scent tablet, car air cleaner, or some potpourri to the bag before installation.
The price for these bags on Amazon is good, especially with the four for three deal if it's available when you read this. Other vendors list these bags for slightly less than Amazon does, but consider the additional postage charged by these sellers.

Finally - I really like the bags and love the Hoover Platinum vacuum cleaner.

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Average Rating :4.5

Brand : Hoover

Model : AH10000

Hoover Platinum Type Q HEPA bags for the Hoover UH30010COM lightweight upright.

  • Set of 2 Type-Q HEPA vacuum-cleaner bags
  • Traps 99.97-percent of dust and pollens down to .3 microns
  • Self-sealing closures contain dust puffs and debris; extra-large size requires fewer changes
  • For use with the Hoover UH30010COM lightweight upright vacuum cleaner
  • Measures approximately 6-4/5 by 2-4/5 by 9-3/5 inches

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