very good price and very convenient way to obtain these bags. The seller was OUTSTANDING- I mistakenly listed the wrong mailing address. Contacted the seller and offered to pay shipping when they were returned. The seller covered the cost of the second shipping!!

Cheap Price!! @ Click Here to see Detail

Average Rating :5.0

Brand : Hoover

Model :

Fits all Hover Upright cleaners using type Y bags, all WindTunnel and Tempo Upright models. Use of genuine Hoover filter bags assures peak performance of you cleaner's filtration system. Traps 100% of dust mites and their eggs. Traps 99.98% of ragweed and common grass pollens. Filters a wide range of airborne particles includint many pollens, cat dander, spores and other allergens. Electrostatically charged liner enhances the capture of extremely fine particles. Ideal for many with allergic or dust related discomforts. Package is resealable. Contains 3 bags

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